Father’s Day Gift

I’ve been wanting to let Brielle paint for a bit and letting her do it for her Father’s Day gift seemed perfect! I got a big mat that goes in a frame and had her “paint” it. 😉 I had to make sure it was edible but most of the recipes I found were yogurt based which did not dry very well or used jell-o mix which stained her…hello my tiny Smurfette! I finally ended up using cornstarch, water and food coloring (see recipe below). The paint didn’t dry as vibrant as I was hoping but it dried well, didn’t stain her skin and WAS edible as you can see. She loved having little samples of it while she worked and just couldn’t understand why I kept politely declining when she tried offering some to me. It was a ton of fun, she had a blast making a mess and my husband loved that he got something she made for him!

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Cornstarch Edible Paint Recipe

1 c. cornstarch

1/2 c. cold water

1/2 c. boiling water

Food Coloring

Mix the cornstarch and cold water. It’s going to be hard to really mix it. It starts to solidify but keep working at it until you don’t have any dry cornstarch left. Next, add the boiling water. I added a little less than a full cup and it was very runny and just slipped through her fingers. Using a 1/2 c. gave much better texture and she was able to hold it better. Add more boiling water if you’d like a more liquid texture. Once you get your desired texture add your food coloring. I used 4 drops to each of my bowls to get these colors. When we do it again, I’ll add a lot more because once the mixture dried it lightened quite a bit on the paper. Word to the wise: it’s messy but I just put down a sheet and stuck her in the bathtub after and it cleaned up really easily!


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